The story of Rainbow Disability Nepal

Rainbow Disability Nepal (RDN) was first started as a loose network for disabled LGBTIQ+ community in 2019. Later, on 11th November 2022, it was registered as Indreni Apangata Nepal (Rainbow Disability Nepal), the first non-Governmental organization working for the disabled LGBTIQ+ population in Nepal. RDN works to ensure the basic human rights for the disabled LGBTI people across the country, and has plan to work in future internationally too. It’s a first organization that works for people who identify themselves as Disable and LGBTI. On This Interactional Issue we have LGBTI people who identify themselves as disabled and Disable Person Living with HIV.

RDN aims to empower disabled LGBTI youths  psychologically and economically by establishing Acceptance and Inclusion of Disabled LGBTI people in Nepal, RDN has been conducting series of awareness and advocacy programs since 2021 through youth led group such as YKAP Nepal, advocacy session with Disability activists, advocacy with LGBTI activists and government officials too.

The issues of disability with LGBTI is different than the issues of LGBTI common people without disability. However, these both groups of population are suppressed by the majority of common hetro-societies. This new issues with disabled homosexual community is rising in the LGBTI community. Moreover the Disability LGBTI are not seen in the society and have suppressed by themselves therefore Rainbow Disability Nepal is trying to sketch the programs further.

However, the rights of the Nepalese people have been detected in the National constitution 2072 but there are not seen in practicum. Even within community people are not aware about Sex, Gender Sexuality. Therefore, RDN working towards Disability LGBTI in various sector such as HIV/SRHR, Education, SDG, Human Right, Disability Technology, Proposal and Administrative as well.

The general hetro-societies as well as the LGBTIQ+ communities need to be aware about the rising issues of Disabled LGBTI individuals and should be given equal opportunities of empowerment and inclusion to let  them open up in the society. Issues of Disability LGBTI need to be brought up in the mainstream human-rights programs. It will surely empower Disability LGBTI youths psychologically and economically to live a better life through awareness, advocacy as well as vocational training programs and will surely leave a mark in establishing Acceptance & Inclusion in the community for Disability LGBTI.

Besides these all, Rainbow Disability Nepal have set the plans to do the lobby and advocacy with concerned government stakeholders and community people persistently for rights of disable LGBTI people national as well as on the international basis.

Our Mission

RDN for people who identify themselves as Both Disability and LGBTI. Mission is to work for the Intersectional Issue of LGBTI+ disability. Addressing the terminology of Disability lgbti, Intersectional and Disability LGBTI living with HIV in policy level as well as securing the Human Right of Disability sexual and gender minorities.

Our Vision

RDN visions are to create a society that respects and values each Disability LGBTI minorities, where every person of a Disability LGBTI can have equal rights and the same dignity of heterosexual, cisgender persons and also a society where all Disability LGBTI / LGBTI +Disability minorities have hope and equal opportunities.

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